Designated as a Certified Trading Company by Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy
Authorized dealership of SK Speedmate battery for Uzbekistan
Authorized dealership of Hankook AtlasBX battery for Taiwan
Authorized dealership of Hankook AtlasBX battery for Suriname
Authorized dealership of Marshal tire for Libya
Authorized dealership of Hankook AtlasBX battery for Qatar
Authorized dealership of Nexen Tube for Libya
Achieved 5 Million USD Annual Exports
Designated as a MAIN-BIZ(Management Innovation) Firm by Korean government SME
Authorized dealership of Hankook AtlasBX battery for Libya
Authorized dealership of Marshal tire for Iraq
Authorized dealership of Hankook AtlasBX battery for Iraq
Authorized dealership of Marshal tire for Russia
Authorized dealership of Zetum tire for Iraq
Designated as a Promising Export Firm by Korean government SME
Achieved 3 Million USD Annual Exports
Established BRANDLINES INC Authorized dealership of Kumho tire for Russia Authorized dealership of Hankook AtlasBX battery for Russia